
Bling Ring Halloween Flashing Candy Ring $0.85/Each

Sold by display

Unit Barcode: 6-54954-23823-3
Display Barcode: N/A
Unit Weight: 0.05 lbs
Display Weight: 0.8 lbs
12 Units / Display — 2 Displays / Case

SKU: 90-8500HA


Introducing NEW Original Gourmet Halloween Bling Rings. Each Ghost or Pumpkin ring has its own cover, so customers can save whatever they don’t eat for later (if there’s anything left). These rings are all equipped with a button, which makes for an impressive lights show as your wearable candy jewelry begins flashing. Hurry, these spooky treats won’t last!

  • Ghost and Pumpkin design
  • Features light show
  • 12 Units / Display — 2 Displays / Case
  • MSRP – $2.99