Caribbean Colada Vent Wrap Little Tree Air Freshener

Sold by display

Unit Barcode: 0-76171-52225-2
Display Barcode: 300-76171-52225-3
Unit Weight: 0.05 lbs
Display Weight: 0.2 lbs
4 Units / Display — 6 Displays / Case

SKU: 65-707CC


Carribean Colada Vent Wrap is an escape to a tropical island with juicy pineapple and sweet coconut scent. The slim design slips onto the vent blade, allowing air to flow freely while delivering a consistent, pleasant scent. With 2 weeks of steady fragrance per Vent Wrap, a 4 pack delivers up to 60 days of fragrance.

  • Vent Wrap for car vents
  • Scent: Caribbean Colada scent
  • 4 Units / Display — 6 Displays / Case
  • MSRP – $4.99 each