Excedrin Migraine 2-pack 25ct Dispenser Box

Sold by display

Unit Barcode: N/A
Display Barcode: 6-55708-01873-6
Unit Weight: 0.005 lbs
Display Weight: 0.20 lbs
25 Units / Display — 20 Display / Case

SKU: 20-025EX-M


Excedrin Migraine provides migraine relief, including migraine headache pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea. It combines acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine.

  • Treats all symptoms of a migraine
  • Reduction in pain within 30 minutes
  • Effective relief with just one dose
  • 25 Units / Display — 20 Display / Case
  • MSRP – $1.29