RAW Organic Hemp 1.25 Rolling Papers

Sold by display

Unit Barcode: 7-16165-17417-2
Display Barcode: 7-16165-17418-9
Unit Weight: 0.01 lbs
Display Weight: 0.25 lbs
24 Units / Display — 42 Displays / Case

SKU: 30-431OR-1.25


RAWthentic Authentic Original 100% Manufactured by RAW and Fortified in ESD Casing. RAW Organic is made from organically grown* chlorine free pure hemp and is processed in an eco-friendly manner. The result is a very thin light tan paper that burns extra slow and extra clean. RAW also have there own exclusive cross pattern watermark, which minimizes runs and odd burning of the papers.

  • 1.25 size organic hemp rolling papers
  • 24 Units / Display — 42 Displays / Case
  • MSRP – $1.99